ESO Surveyors
ESO Surveyors (ESO) provide laser scanning deliverables directly to designers or as an additional service to construction projects. ESO can supply point cloud data or full surface modelling depending on client needs. ESO can also provide heat-map conformance reporting of as-built structures.
In the examples shown below, data is captured with the Riegl VZ-400i scanner and processed using Cyclone 3DR software, and client viewing in Pointerra. The combined point cloud, mesh, and CAD visualization and animation were made in NUBIGON.
For more information, please contact ESO Surveyors
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3D laser scan data with extracted CAD information of transport corridor and adjacent land using the Riegl VZ-400i terrestrial laser scanner in stop-and-go mode
3D laser scan data with extracted CAD information of rail corridor and adjacent land using the Riegl VZ-400i terrestrial laser scanner
3D laser scan data with extracted CAD information of rail corridor and adjacent land using the Riegl VZ-400i terrestrial laser scanner
ESO Vehicle setup with the RIEGL VZ-400i laser scanner mounted. This enables rapid stop-and-go scanning of transport corridors with minimal risk to Surveyors whilst maintaining high data quality and accuracy.