Case Studies
Airborne Laser Scanning
Mobile Laser Scanning
Unmanned Laser Scanning
Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Detailed laser scan of a rail corridor including surrounding road networks and terrain
Dept. of Environment (Qld)
Monitoring gully erosion in Great Barrier Reef catchments
Improving the delivery of Lidar data over Tailings Storage Facilities in the Australian mining sector
Bennett + Bennett
Capturing the Australian outback with the latest drone LiDAR technology
Urban Tree Canopy Management and LiDAR
Airborne Research Australia
LiDAR bathymetry of Ningaloo Reef NW-Western Australia
Airborne Research Australia
Topographic airborne LiDAR survey over bush fire ravaged land in South Australia
Beon Aerial
LiDAR on powerlines to locate encroaching vegetation and prevent bushfires in Victoria, Australia